Keith Evans took 12, 45 minute Vibe Cycle classes in 12 hours in an effort to raise money for the ABF the Soldiers Charity and the Coventry Air Ambulance Service.
It was an early start on the day of the event; the first class was to start at 7.30 am. This meant that I needed to be there for around 7 am to get prepped for the day ahead. Sarah Palmer, the manager of Simply Gym kindly arrived early to open up. Fire & Earth also arrived early to set up and provided those taking part with much needed sports massages.
Once all the advertising and charity leaflets were laid out, I began to get the “Vibe room” ready. People started to arrive for the first class around 7.15 and my initial nerves were disappearing, although there were plenty of names down, until I actually seen them sat on the bikes, I was a little nervous that no one would show. With a few minutes before the first class, the room was almost full, my nerves gone, and I felt ready for what I was about to undertake.
The 1st class through to the 5th was near enough full and there was a brilliant atmosphere. The next 4 classes were a little quiet but that didn’t show in the 7-8 people that were there, they did there upmost to make as much noise as the fuller classes that went before them and to there credit, they were brilliant. After that, it began to pick up, especially after a visit from Delvin Clarke, my only regret was he turned up at the quietest time and he didn’t get to see the event at its busiest.
Into mid afternoon, we were visited by David Howells and a dozen local Fire fighters who were there to support the event, this in turn brought an influx of women who had planned their day to be there, although most wouldn’t admit it if you asked them.
During class 10 and 11, I have to admit I was struggling, and if not for the energy and support I received from the participants, I don’t know if I’d have finished the day.
The 12th class however was a different story, a lot of people had made the effort to be there for the final class and the room was full, this was very humbling and something I really needed. The final class was definitely my best, and the relief when the final song finished was massive, as was the applause from the participants of the 12th and final class.
Ideally I’d like to list everyone who turned out that day and thank them again but that would be a long list, so, if you were one of the people who gave up not only your time, but your money to support my event, once again, thank you.
Special thanks needs to go to Sarah Palmer for allowing me to use Simply Gym, also John Elliot from Fire & Earth for providing free sports massages throughout the day. David Howells for encouraging a dozen Firemen to attend in support of the event. Colin Till from the ABF, The Soldiers Charity, who provided advertisement and support throughout. I’d also like to thank Louise Harris, my fiancée who not only took care of everyone arriving and dealt with all the admin between classes, but also for taking part in 6 classes herself. Special mention must go to Mathew Richardson who was present throughout all 12 classes, which was truly an amazing effort.
The day was a massive success, due to the overwhelming support by everyone who attended, without your help and support, the day would not have happened. Between us we raised £650 split between the 2 charities. Personally, I got to ride with some amazing people, and made a lot of new friends, it will be a day I remember for a long time.
Keith Evans..