If you ever feel like you’re suffered from gym anxiety, then there’s nothing to worry about. It’s a perfectly normal feeling experienced by many, especially newer members; you feel like you’re being judged like everyone else is better than you. The good news is that this article will tell you exactly what you need to do to feel better about yourself.
Here are 5 ways to help cut down on gym anxiety:
Focus on your workout:
If you channel all of your efforts into seriously working hard, then you won’t have time to compare yourself to others or to look around and catch them watching you work your butt off. So concentrate on you, and consistently remind yourself of how great you’re doing. If you are in need of a distraction, plug in those earphones and listen to your own tunes, or catch up on the latest episode of your favorite show. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable and just make sure that you’re doing what makes you happy.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help:
If you find yourself hiding at the back of your new class or constantly skipping the equipment piece that you’re too afraid to try, never be afraid to ask the instructors or trainers for help. Their job is to help you, not to judge you, and they will always do their best to make sure you know how to use equipment and to make you feel as comfortable as you can be. No matter how you feel, they staff will always try their hardest to answer your questions and queries.
Plan out your workout beforehand:
plan your gym session before you start. It can be helpful to define what goals you want to accomplish during that session; maybe you want to run consistently for 10 minutes or maybe you want to squat with a bar for the first time. By working on what you want to achieve, you will feel better knowing that you are at the gym for you and no one else.
Bring a gym buddy:
When gym anxiety gets the best of you, invite someone you know and trust to workout with you. When you are with a friend you feel more relaxed and more able to have fun. Even if a spell of gym anxiety arises, don’t be afraid to face your insecurity – share a laugh about it with a friend, and learn from your experience. It’s always better to have someone around who won’t judge you and who can support you.
Have confidence:
The most important thing to do is to believe in yourself and your own ability. Comparing yourself to other people is not going to help you progress. Always remember that everyone has been a new member at least once in their life. The most important thing is that you don’t give in to your insecurities.
Hopefully, after reading this, you feel more ready to let go of your gym worries and motivated to go and smash your gym goals! If you have any tips on how you’ve overcome your gym anxiety please share your tips in the comments below!