It’s approaching that time of the day again.
2pm has slowly crept up on you, and with it ensues that familiar wave of sleepiness.
You still have a mountain of work to do, but you’re struggling to fight through countless yawns and fits of brain fog.
Sound familiar? You’re not alone…
Day-time tiredness is a condition that affects millions of people every year as we struggle to keep up with our modern, fast-paced lifestyles.
If you’re tired of being tired, here are five tips that will help you regain control over your daytime, so you can work and play more effectively.
1. Sleep for eight hours
Let’s start with the basics. If you’re not getting enough sleep in the night-time, your body is going to try to compensate and will make you tired during the day-time.
Gradually make the transition towards a more regular sleeping schedule, going to bed at the same time each night, and waking at the same time each morning. If for some reason you can’t get your eight hours one night, then do your best to catch up with a power nap during the day.
2. Sleep well for eight hours
The quality of your sleep is just as important as the quantity, if not more so. To ensure that you’re getting the most out of your sleep and you’re hitting those much-needed deep sleep and REM cycles, here are a few tips:
• Perform a nighttime ritual of stretching, reading, or meditating to relax our body and mind in preparation for sleep.
• Use black out blinds to put your room into complete darkness, and a natural light alarm clock to wake yourself naturally in the morning.
• Keep your room cool and well oxygenated.
3. Eat clean
Keep your energy levels stable by consuming a diet based around whole foods. Whenever possible, avoid high sugar and high fat processed foods that are more likely to cause large fluctuations in your blood sugar, resulting in that dreaded crash.
4. Get moving
Exercise releases feel good hormones that will boost your mood, improve your energy levels and put a spring in your step.
Regular movement throughout the day will also help you to sleep better in the night, giving you more energy for the next day.
5. Prioritise your schedule
Having an overly packed schedule is a big contributor towards daytime tiredness. When you feel like you have a million and one things to get done, your stress levels rise, leaving you feeling exhausted. Aim to perform one or two big tasks throughout the day, and cut out anything that isn’t absolutely necessary. You could also introduce exercises such as meditation and deep breathing to help you deal with unexpected stressful situations as they arise.