15 Protein Packed Pancake Recipes

Pancake Day is almost upon us and we’ve collected our favourite recipes for you that will compliment your fitness. We’re not talking standard protein powder pancake batter and low-fat, unprocessed or reduced sugar toppings. These are ones you probably haven’t tried before and will get your taste buds tingling. Let’s dig in, here’s our […]
Pros and Cons to Calorie Counting

We’ve written the list so you don’t have to. Now with the introduction of calorie count for meals on menus becoming a thing, it’s impossible to avoid. But is it actually good for you? We want to know so we did some research into what the pros and cons of calorie counting actually are. […]
10 Summer Healthy Lunch Recipes

Here are 10 Summer Healthy Recipes for Lunch that will keep your energy levels high, your workout recovery quick and your goals in sight. We’ve started to experience the start of this year’s Summer weather which for some will mean a change in appetite or diet. Staying healthy can be hard if you’re on the […]
4 Top Pasta Dishes You Should Be Making – #NationalPastaDay
#national pastaday In our most recent blog and with it being #nationalpastaday we take a look at the different dishes which we can make quick and easy, but also delicious and tasty. Allowing you fit time around enjoying life and going to the gym. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: […]
Why Meal Prep Helps
Meal Prep, everyone’s favourite word…. There are a number of benefits that do come with meal prepping, both in terms of money and your health. Benefits Of Meal Prep It gives you complete control of what you are eating and therefore keeps you on track of where you want to get to [1]. The cost […]
Five Healthy Snacks Alternatives
Snacks… they can often be the best but worst thing we introduce ourselves to but we want you to try some alternatives. At Simply Gym we are aiming for you to try some snacks which will taste delicious (depending on preference..). But will also be a healthy alternative to typical packet of crisps. Dark Chocolate Our […]
I Am Strong Challenge – Strong Body Diet – June
This month, our I am Strong Challenge is about having a Strong Body Diet. This includes about including the relevant micro nutrients in order to increase and grow your muscle mass. As much as going to the gym is important, the major part of becoming happy and healthy is your diet. This month we challenge […]
#NoMeatMarch – Going Meat Free for a Month
With the current statistics about how the meat industry has on the world around us. It has become increasingly more important to understand what we are eating and how this impacts on ourselves and the people around us. We are therefore pledging a #MeatFreeMarch. The positive impacts that cutting meat has on our bodies include: […]
Quick Winter Meal Prep
With the colder weather setting in, you are likely looking for nutritious and delicious winter meal prep options to help you get on with your day in the smoothest way possible. In an ideal world, every morning your lunch will be magically made and waiting for you in the kitchen so you can take it […]
Simply Healthy Hearty Meal
We all love a good meal, coming home from the gym after a long day at work, you are likely looking forward to having a relaxing evening with a healthy hearty meal. A kind of meal that makes you feel warm and reminds you of your youth when your parents would cook your all time […]