Full Fat vs Low-Fat Foods

Fat has been a controversial topic in the world of nutrition for many years. In the 1980s, low-fat diets became popular to lose weight and improve health. However, more recent research shows that not all fats are created equal and that some fats, such as those found in nuts, seeds, and oily fish, are actually beneficial […]

Eliminating The Barriers to Exercise: National Fitness Day Blog

This year’s National Fitness Day has the aim to remind people that this day is just one step in making physical activity a part of your daily life or rather, creating a fitness lifestyle. Which is why we thought we’d look at eliminating the barriers to exercise to help you be active on National Fitness […]

The Difference Between Weight Loss vs Fat Loss

Personal Trainers get asked about the distinction between weight loss and fat loss often. Many embark on their fitness journey aiming to see a lower number on the scale, but it’s essential to understand that not all weight loss is good, and not all weight gain is bad.   Weight Loss: The Broad Picture   […]

Men’s Health Week: Infertility and Where to Get Help

For Men’s Health Week our gyms are sharing factual and helpful information on all kinds of men’s health problems. From checking for testicular cancer to mental health, here we explore one issue that isn’t openly talked about when related to health issues and fitness: Infertility and Where to Get Help.   Male Fertility Factors   […]

Our Women in Fitness’s Achievements

Today we wanted to share some of our members’ inspiring fitness stories to encourage and celebrate Women in Fitness’s achievements.   Happy International Women’s Day!   Our aim is to support everyone to feel comfortable in the gym environment, which is why we: Provide ladies only areas at some of our gyms Ensure there’s always […]

15 Protein Packed Pancake Recipes

Pancake Day is almost upon us and we’ve collected our favourite recipes for you that will compliment your fitness.   We’re not talking standard protein powder pancake batter and low-fat, unprocessed or reduced sugar toppings. These are ones you probably haven’t tried before and will get your taste buds tingling. Let’s dig in, here’s our […]

Are Fitness Classes Worth It?

We don’t beat around the bush here. We don’t avoid tricky questions either. Although the fitness classes we offer are entirely free and unlimited to members we explore whether they’re worth doing, as many of our members favour a personal workout on the gym floor over a group session. So let’s dive in…   Who […]

Pros and Cons to Calorie Counting

We’ve written the list so you don’t have to. Now with the introduction of calorie count for meals on menus becoming a thing, it’s impossible to avoid. But is it actually good for you? We want to know so we did some research into what the pros and cons of calorie counting actually are.   […]

Should You Exercise on Holiday?

You might be someone who uses the gym to improve fitness ahead of trips away, but then only lounging on a sunbed when there. Maybe you think there’s nothing worse than getting away from it all, just to leave yourself more exhausted than you started. Perhaps you’re someone who loves to exercise on holiday because […]

10 Summer Healthy Lunch Recipes

Broccoli, Seed and Cranberry Salad

Here are 10 Summer Healthy Recipes for Lunch that will keep your energy levels high, your workout recovery quick and your goals in sight. We’ve started to experience the start of this year’s Summer weather which for some will mean a change in appetite or diet.   Staying healthy can be hard if you’re on the […]