Gym Motivation Survey 2014

Why do YOU go to the gym?

As a gym company we are aware that motivation comes in many different forms. Some people want to beef up a particular part of their body (see our previous survey to find out more!) whereas others want to exercise away the day’s stresses and strains. There is no right or wrong reason to work out, but we were interested to find out what motivates our users the most when it comes to using the gym.

We surveyed visitors to our website on their top reasons for going to the gym, from muscle building to socialising and everything in between. You can read our results in full below:

What is your main reason for going to the gym?

  • To improve fitness – 21.93%
  • To lose weight – 39.41%
  • To build muscle – 23.56%
  • To socialise – 0.74%
  • To compensate for unhealthy eating / drinking – 5.48%
  • To train for an event – 2.96%
  • To relieve stress – 5.93%

Total Votes 675

Going to the gym shouldn’t be a chore; it should be something that gives you a genuine sense of satisfaction. Figuring out what you want to get out of a gym session is a crucial step in creating a more enjoyable workout routine, and one that you are more likely to stick with in the long term. So whatever it is that motivates you, we would encourage you to build on it and continue to enjoy using the gym in 2014 and beyond.

Over to you – what is your main reason for going to the gym? Tell us by leaving a comment below.

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