I Am Strong Challenge – Strong Body Diet – June

This month, our I am Strong Challenge is about having a Strong Body Diet.

This includes about including the relevant micro nutrients in order to increase and grow your muscle mass.

As much as going to the gym is important, the major part of becoming happy and healthy is your diet. This month we challenge you take strides in making a stronger decision in what you are consuming. Protein can come in different formats. You have the typical meats such as chicken, steak to name a few.

Though with this, there are alternative protein which can be consumed rather than meat. The reason we vocalise this is the impacts eating meat can have on the environment. Seen in one of our previous blogs: https://simplygym.co.uk/nomeatmarch/  .

Therefore, we want to highlight the alternative proteins which can be consumed which will give the necessary protein to grown muscle


  • Have 18 grams of protein and can be used in a variety of dishes

Chickpeas and Most Variations of Beans

  • Furthermore, chickpeas contain around 15 grams of protein and can be used in large number of dishes including chilli#


  • Most noteworthy and surprisingly they contain protein and therefore can be easily added onto any dish.

This is a few to name. A more extensive list can be seen here: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/protein-for-vegans-vegetarians#section8 . Finally, make sure to get your Strong Body Diet on for April!

Make sure to check out one of our gyms near you at: www.simplygym.co.uk  . Memberships starting from just £16.99!




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