One Year On Simply Gym’s Transformation

In a week we celebrate a whole year since we re-opened from the last national lockdown.

We don’t want to focus on when we went into lockdown but more the day we were released and the journey we’ve been on in that time.
Some of the things we’ve done in the last year have been:
  • Introducing thousands of new pieces of cardio equipment
  • Updating our interior design
  • Refreshing our weighted kit
  • Introducing more functional accessories
  • Revamping our class timetables
  • Dropping rent prices to support our personal trainers
  • Maintaining reliable membership costs for the security of our members

All across our gyms in the nation!

Lockdown provided us many challenges and helped us become more resilient and self-sufficient to what the future could throw at us.
There’s no backwards steps here, only lessons learnt and stories to tell. All of which we’re using as motivation to go further.

We know our members have a similar mindset to us and turn challenges into fuel for progress. Now we know that of course this isn’t possible for everyone but we’re here to show the ones it has worked for to help inspire and motivate others. Have a similar transformation to share? Tag us @simplygymhq or #sgoneyearon on IG and Facebook.

“So last week I had a little moment of missing my smaller self but then someone pointed out that as my smaller self I was nowhere near as strong as I am now. At first I was like hmm I guess but didn’t realise quite how right they were until I did the comparison. Would progress have been made if I’d stayed that small? Probably. Would it have been as much? No. The main lesson here is to only look back to see how far you’ve come!” – Sophie
“I’ve went from 40kg to 50kg since reopening.” – Annisa
“I started training/ going to the gym about 6/7 years ago my motivation was to just lose weight and become the smallest I could after being called fat continuously over a 4 year relationship. This then led to hardly eating and continuously punishing my body I ended up with an eating disorder.. I became very slim and looked Ill from doing so. This is where my bones started to show and really put in to prospective of how far I went. From then I didn’t want to be slim and lean.. I remember seeing girls lifting heaving and being so strong this shifted my mind and I told myself that’s what I want to do. So the 4 years have been a big rollercoaster! But I’m so much happier – I shifted my mind set! I ended up meeting my boyfriend I am with now in simply gym. He’s helped me more than he will ever know + helped me see life/ gym from a whole new angle. I’m happier/ healthier and stronger than I have ever been. My little wins now are pbing in the gym and just feeling stronger. I dare to weigh myself though, I just keep telling myself food is fuel and that fuels my lifts.” – Emily
“I gained a lot of weight during lockdown and when the gym reopened although I’ve been a member for over 4 years I decided to get my act together and was on a mission to look better for the summer and I just haven’t stopped since! It’s just one goal to another and I even found myself at the gym at 5am on Xmas day. I haven’t had 2 days off in a row yet from the gym since it reopened, at the beginning I started going 7 times a week for 7 months and lost 4.2 stone and ate super healthy with no PT, no help just did it by myself. Since November I decided to get myself a PT and he has since helped me gain strength, tone as well as continuing to lose weight! I’m now so close to losing 5 stone. I can’t wait to carry on my fitness journey” – Belle
“I’ve been a member of Simply Gym East for three years now (since the day it opened). Absolutely loved being able to try lots of different classes. Was gutted when Covid hit closing the gym due to lockdown. But then how happy was I when lockdown ceased & was able to go back to classes once again. Started back with renewed vigour & a more positive mindset. March 2021 I began to log my food intake & weight on a more regular basis as well as increasing my exercise regime & of course Simply Gym played a massive part in my journey. The staff & classes are amazing & helped me to keep on going. Never missed Legs Bums & Tums, Zumba or my absolute favourite class Strong by Zumba, all taught by my daughter Vicky Himple. Really didn’t think I would do so well in just one year. Not bad for a 63year old lady.” – Sonia
“I’ve attached a pic of me up a mountain from this weekend which i could never had done several months ago if i wasn’t strengthening myself at the gym! I joined the gym initially to give my mind a work out! My mental health has dipped up and down since having post natal depression following becoming a mum 12 years ago. I don’t have a before and after picture for physical changes but i know that inside i have changed. I’m growing as person, challenging myself.  My time at Simply Gym has spurred me on to look after myself better, to understand my body better and i love the feel good factor i get from working out.  It is true – exercise isn’t jut beneficial for the body, but for the mind to. Physically i’m stronger, in lifting weights i never though i could, and setting myself personal workout goals. As my body shape changes that inspires me to continue and i love the journey this is taking me on.
Joining Simply Gym is a decision i wish i made sooner and I have to thank Cerasela, a PT at Simply Gym East for being amazing – motivating and spurring me on! I wouldn’t be where i am now if it wasn’t for her.” – Lesley
“I’m not really into sharing much, but I love Simply Gym. I’ve always felt welcomed and the growth you’ve undergone as well as a gym is incredible. The amount of new equipment, the fresh paint, fresh new faces as PTs it’s nice to be a part of. The new PTs I’ve seen are so friendly and I’ve always hated that about other gyms. The PTs are not approachable- granted I don’t use them it’s still nice to see welcoming people. This is my post baby 2 progress at 37! It hasn’t been easy, it’s not an all or nothing approach- it’s been slow & steady & consistent. Would prefer not to show my face. I’m not done, but I’m stronger & have more energy to keep up with my 2 kids. Watch this space.” – Meghan
“Since August 2021 I have lost 2 stone 5lbs from changing my diet, joining the gym and learning to run 🏃‍♀️. My husband has been telling me for years about the benefits of going to the gym, not just physically but mentally as well and I’ve always shrugged it off and said “sorry I’m not a gym person”. The last 2 years have been pretty tough, for everyone really, but I have found it tough and during lockdown I started to enjoy a few more drinks than usual and my eating habits became worse and worse. Obviously, this led to more weight gain and unhappiness and then something inside me just clicked. I decided to try the NHS C25k training (as when I first started this the gyms were still closed) and I joined a local running group and it gave me the fitness bug back. I graduated the C25k program last August and decided to join Simply Gym Bedford in October time starting with doing some classes and some free weights. Then in January I started to take it more seriously, taking part in spin classes, body pump and tone classes every week and also following an online program to help me learn how to use weights on the gym floor. I’m still not where I’d like to be – with about another stone to lose – but I’m so proud of how far I’ve come so far both mentally and physically.” – Gemma

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