In a week we celebrate a whole year since we re-opened from the last national lockdown.
We don’t want to focus on when we went into lockdown but more the day we were released and the journey we’ve been on in that time.
Some of the things we’ve done in the last year have been:
- Introducing thousands of new pieces of cardio equipment
- Updating our interior design
- Refreshing our weighted kit
- Introducing more functional accessories
- Revamping our class timetables
- Dropping rent prices to support our personal trainers
- Maintaining reliable membership costs for the security of our members
All across our gyms in the nation!
Lockdown provided us many challenges and helped us become more resilient and self-sufficient to what the future could throw at us.
There’s no backwards steps here, only lessons learnt and stories to tell. All of which we’re using as motivation to go further.
We know our members have a similar mindset to us and turn challenges into fuel for progress. Now we know that of course this isn’t possible for everyone but we’re here to show the ones it has worked for to help inspire and motivate others. Have a similar transformation to share? Tag us @simplygymhq or #sgoneyearon on IG and Facebook.

Joining Simply Gym is a decision i wish i made sooner and I have to thank Cerasela, a PT at Simply Gym East for being amazing – motivating and spurring me on! I wouldn’t be where i am now if it wasn’t for her.” – Lesley