Importance of Rest Days – Simply Gym
It can often be hard to take days of at the gym, with the constant need for reaching results. We also suggest it is as important to ensure that rest days occur throughout your program. By including these you will be able to reach your optimal performance. The following benefits of taking a rest day […]
I am Strong Challenge – July – Kick Ass Body Combat

“Remember this: your body is your slave; it works for you.” – Jack LaLanne During these hotter months, it can often become much harder to maintain fitness. Make sure to change up your exercise routines because this is how results will appear. In our next I am Strong Challenge. We are challenging you to try […]
Five Healthy Snacks Alternatives
Snacks… they can often be the best but worst thing we introduce ourselves to but we want you to try some alternatives. At Simply Gym we are aiming for you to try some snacks which will taste delicious (depending on preference..). But will also be a healthy alternative to typical packet of crisps. Dark Chocolate Our […]
Transformation Tuesday – #SimplyLikeMe – Becky Jones – Crewe
Our Next #SimplyLikeMe is Becky Jones which is part of our Transformation Tuesday. She highlights the positive impacts PTs can have not only on your health but your career! Becky trains at Simply Gym Crewe and is either going into RAF or university. She is our next Transformation Tuesday story and shows the positive impact Katrina […]
Importance of Hydration
Hydration is everything. Think of this: Your muscles are 70+% water – How are you not drinking water during a workout? I get the whole. ‘Let’s challenge ourselves; let’s do that tough guy thing’ but at the end of the day, you’re under-performing – Gunnar Peterson It is a know fact that our bodies are […]
I Am Strong Challenge – Strong Body Diet – June
This month, our I am Strong Challenge is about having a Strong Body Diet. This includes about including the relevant micro nutrients in order to increase and grow your muscle mass. As much as going to the gym is important, the major part of becoming happy and healthy is your diet. This month we challenge […]
#SimplyLikeMe – Tiffany Sibbald – Bedford – The mental and physical benefits of excerise
Our next #SimplyLikeMe story comes from Tiffany Sibbald, a member at Simply Gym Bedford! She shows us the mental and physical benefits has brought to her: I joined Simply Gym Bedford just after it opened in January 2018. Starting like all the other people who had their New Years Resolutions to get fit. I weighed 62kg wanted […]
#SimplyLikeMe – Sharon – Kettering
Do not be afraid to lift BIG weights at any age. Our Kettering member, Sharon, shows us that it doesn’t matter what age, you can achieve anything Sharon is hitting a milestone age this year and will be hitting fifty looking and feeling amazing! Sharon contacted Franky, a Level 3 Personal Trainer and a Level […]
The importance of Foam Rolling
Often when working out. Many individuals forget about the most important aspect. Stretching and foam rolling. On #NationalFoamRollingDay we are highlighting the benefits that come with doing these simple exercises to ensure that your body fully recovers. ©Runners World Here are the benefits of foam rolling: Helps to increase blood flow. By focusing on key […]
Importance of Consistency – #NationalLoyaltyDay
With today being #NationalLoyaltyDay. We want to advise you on the importance of consistency and long term benefits joining the gym can bring! Scientific research has stated that the more consistent you are. The more likely you mental and physical health will improve (Cross, Gore and Morris, 2003). This is why at Simply Gym on […]