Importance of Keeping Your Skin Healthy Through Summer
Often with the increase sun, the impacts this can bring a variety of issues to skin. Make sure to take precautions which ensure that you are keeping your skin healthy whilst completing exercises. During the summer months, the heat can often increase the oil glands in your body, this can then cause itch rashes to […]
Importance of Rest Days – Simply Gym
It can often be hard to take days of at the gym, with the constant need for reaching results. We also suggest it is as important to ensure that rest days occur throughout your program. By including these you will be able to reach your optimal performance. The following benefits of taking a rest day […]
Positive Impacts Of Body Pump
Body Pump is know as, by Les Mills as a barbell workout for any to get lean, tone and fit. It uses different weights, generally moderate weights, which include lots of repetition and often burns up to 600 calories [1] At Simply Gym we aim to offer a variety of different classes, all which are […]
I Am Strong Challenge – Strong Body Diet – June
This month, our I am Strong Challenge is about having a Strong Body Diet. This includes about including the relevant micro nutrients in order to increase and grow your muscle mass. As much as going to the gym is important, the major part of becoming happy and healthy is your diet. This month we challenge […]
#StressAwarenessMonth – Importance of Exercise
#StressAwarenessMonth occurs throughout April which highlights the implications and what the causes are of stress. Therefore, it is important to find ways in reducing stress. Stress can come occur daily or over long periods of time, depending on the severity of the problem. Though stress can occur from many areas. We are focusing on work-related […]
I am Strong Challenge – Pack Your Fitness Schedule -April
For our April I am Strong Challenge we are looking for you to pack your fitness schedule. If you can, we want to see if you can plan five workouts a week. We are challenging you to each week for the whole of April to plan 5 workouts a week. This can include small runs, […]