Work For Us

Become Part of Our Community by Working for Us.

Take the next step in your fitness career by working for us at Simply Gym. We have a number of vacancies available including personal trainers, freelance class instructors, cleaners, gym assistants and management careers. Take a look below to see what we have to offer!


Boasting one of the lowest rents in the industry, and a competitive introductory offer. If you want to start work as a personal trainer or take the next step up, get in touch. We offer monthly or hourly based rent options for personal trainers which can be discussed further in your interview. Please email your interest to: with the gym location


One of our unique selling points is that we offer fitness classes in dedicated studios. If you are an instructor and want to bring your class to our Fitness Timetable at Simply Gym. Please email your interest to: with the gym location


We have a number of opportunities available across each of our gyms. You can work for us in roles from Cleaning or Managing, all our staff are valued as part of making the member experience the best it can be. Please email your interest to: with the gym location

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