Top 8 Instagram Accounts to Follow for Your Daily Dose of Fitspiration!


Now and then, even the most dedicated gym goer needs a bit of inspiration to keep them on track to achieving their goals. Instagram is one of the best places to do just that.

Here are 8 of our favourite profiles that help keep our motivation levels sky high, and the fitness flame burning strong:

1. Robin Arzon


Former lawyer turned street athlete, fitness icon and ultra-marathon runner- Robin shows you what it means to overcome adversity, and sweat with swagger.

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Image: theisaacjames


2. Christian Anthony


Christian is a movement coach who redefines mobility. His page is all about exploring every angle whilst staying close to nature.

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Image: moveandplay


3. Will Arrufat


Nike trainer and ambassador, Will Arrufat lives to motivate people through exercise, by providing daily workouts that he shares for free.

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Image: willsworkout


4. Ben Greenfield


Voted America’s top personal trainer, the ‘get fit guy’ Ben Greenfield shares all kinds of ways you can biohack your life, for better living through science.

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Image: bengreenfieldfitness


5. Rich Roll


Plant powered phenom and ultra endurance athlete Rich Roll is all about helping people uncover and unleash their best, most authentic self.

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Image: richroll


6. Sarah Argo


If you’re after healthy, mouthwatering plant based recipes that are easy to prepare and will wow your friends – look no further. Sarah Argo has you covered.


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Image: sarahargo


7. Ana Cheri


Fitness model and owner of Be More Athletics Ana Cheri is considered one of the most influential women on Instagram, with a following 6 million strong. Whether it’s nutrition tips or workout ideas you’re after, Ana has your back.

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Image: pascalheimlicher


8. Katy Bowman


Last but certainly not least, biomechanist Katy Bowman will change the way you think about fitness. Whether it’s through barefoot hiking or primal movement patterns, Katy wants to help you increase the quality of your ‘movement nutrition’.


Image: nutritiousmovement


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