The Key to Making Friends in the Gym

If you find the prospect of attending a gym at which you don’t know anyone daunting, then you are not alone. One of the single biggest factors in determining whether or not a new member stays at a gym after the first three months is whether or not they are able to make friends. Without that human connection, workouts may not be as fun, the environment can be overwhelming and motivation can falter. However, as with anything in life, you get out what you put in. Here are a few ways to ensure you get to know people and make the gym a more fun and social experience:

Sign up for classes

The waiting time before a class starts is a great opportunity to get chatting to other, like-minded people. The fact is that if they’ve signed up to the class then they too are almost always looking for a more social gym experience. Before the class you will naturally all fall into conversation so be sure to get there early, and always ask when they’ll next be going so that you can meet them again and start to develop the relationship.

Making friends in the gym

Organise group workouts

Once you’ve made some friends in the class, ask them to join you for your other workouts. Suggest a weekly session together, and keep it at the same time so that it’s easy for people to organise.

Sign up for a free PT session

It’s not only other members that you can build relationships with. Many PTs are highly social and enjoy developing friendships with the members (it also makes great business sense for them!) and by taking advantage of your free introductory PT session it will mean that you can put a name to yet another friendly face. Furthermore, it’s a great way to learn about the equipment available and ensure you are as confident as possible.

Train at consistent times

You will find most people train at the same time on the same days, so be sure to develop your own routine. Soon you will find yourself exchanging smiles and comments with countless familiar faces.

check in for charity

Don’t wear headphones

This might seem like small details, but you’re making a big statement that you want to work out alone and not be interrupted.

Simply Sweat Competition

Pick the right gym

Many gyms are designed for serious weightlifters who just want to focus on their workouts. However other gyms, such as Simply, have designed the layout of the gym to be far more social and welcoming.

making friends in the gym
While you may initially sign up with the goal of achieving certain results, the gym should be a fun and rewarding experience or sooner or later your motivation will begin to wane. By following the simple steps above you will turn it from a short term chore into a social, fun and permanent change in lifestyle #simplysocial

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