How to Start Exercising in a Gym to Improve Mental Health

If you’re finding exercising in a gym a daunting thing to start but want to improve your mental health then here’s how we can help. Especially when your self-esteem isn’t great to begin with, it can be a struggle to start going into a gym where it might feel comparative or as if people may […]

Improving Fitness: The Importance of Tracking Steps and Tips for How.

Most people know how much difference increasing and tracking steps make to improving fitness but do you know why it’s so important? On Your Feet Britain is run yearly in association with Active Working CIC. Aimed at desk workers, the campaign encourages to ‘move more and sit less’ to improve their fitness and health. Held […]

5 Things To Bring To The Gym

#SimplySound Pure House

What do you need in your gym bag? The burning question, there are a variety things that you think that you need. Shampoo, conditioner, change of clothess… For us here at Simply Gym, we look at the 5 things we think you will need to enhance your workout! Trainers Make sure you take the perfect […]

Class Of The Week – LBT (Legs, Bums and Tums)

class of the week LBT (Legs, Bums and Tums) Our next class of the week is LBT. We take a look at the number of benefits partaking in these classes can have. With all of our gyms having specific aerobic studios. Take a look at our timetable at your local Simply Gym to see when […]

Class Of The Week – Pilates

class of the week pilates Our next class of the week is Pilates. We take a look at the number of benefits partaking in these classes can have. With all of our gyms having specific aerobic studios, it allows multiple classes to be put on every week Take a look at our timetable at your […]

Class Of The Week – Indoor Cycling

class of the week Indoor CYcling Our next class of the week is indoor cycling. We take a look at the number of benefits partaking in these classes can have. With all of our gyms having specific spin studios, it allows multiple classes to be put on every week Take a look at our timetable […]

Class Of The Week – DanceFit

class of the week dancefit Our next class of the week is DanceFit. We take a look at the number of benefits partaking in these classes. Take a look at our timetable at your local Simply Gym to see when your next DanceFit is On! JOIN NOW positives of Dance Fit burns calories The class […]

Class Of The Week – Yoga

class of the week yoga In our most recent blog, we take a look at what the benefits of yoga can be and why you should come along a try one of our classes JOIN NOW positives of yoga increases flexibility It has been indicated by research that by taking part in yoga can increase […]

#TransformationTuesday – Amy Hellmund – Bedford – My fitness journey

Amy is our next member of our #SimplyLikeMe campaign. She shows us that by just stepping into the gym can completely change your life and now is on a fitness journey. Her fitness journey shows that stepping into the gym is the most important part. Here is Amy’s story. I used to weigh approx 80kg, […]

Road to Recovery back onto the Rugby Pitch: Zac’s Inspiring Story

Our #SimplyFamily are so unique and amazing, we’re so proud of each and every one of them. All families are made up of different individuals with unique traits and stories, just like every other family. We love to celebrate all our members and are always striving to help them on their fitness journey and progress. […]